On December 12th, Sam was hit by a car while riding his bicycle and suffered a traumatic brain injury. This is his journey.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Late Night Request

And the roller coaster continues.  Sam's ICP will not cooperate.  Right now, it's around 37-38.  They are running some labs to see what, if anything, they can give him.  We are running out of options.  We are in need of a miracle, friends.


  1. Larry and I are praying for complete healing for Sam, wisdom to the medical staff attending to him and strength to your family.
    We have called friends today and asked them to please include Sam on their prayer requests.

  2. Sharing your update with my small group and many others from my church and we are all praying healing and strength for Sam and all of you. Yall have been on my heart all week!

  3. Prayers for your family and the medical staff tending to Sam. Praying for the healing hand of the Savior.

  4. Jim, just one more note to let you know you and your family are being prayed for.

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U3mHgedrsQ
    Rutter- God be in my head - The Cambridge Singers
