On December 12th, Sam was hit by a car while riding his bicycle and suffered a traumatic brain injury. This is his journey.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

1/17 - Sam's Journey, Day 36

If you happened to catch my Facebook post this morning, I was right. Today was a really good day. Right after I typed that, Sam was pretty alert, so I thought I'd try out the communication system we've been working on. We are supposed to ask yes/no questions, and if he blinks once, it means yes, and if he blinks twice, it's a no. Our base question was, "Do you have cats?" After he blinked once for a correct answer, I thought I'd keep going. Just so you all know, Sam does not have a cat named Roger, but he does have one named Chester. He also used to have one named Poe, and his favorite nurse is Meagan. (She asked the last question.) This is incredible progress! I went to the cafeteria for some coffee and came back up to the room. While I was gone, the doctor came in, and the nurse couldn't wait to tell me about their 'conversation.' The doctor had held his hand and asked, "Would you grab my hand, Sam?" to which he replied with two blinks. She then asked, "Do you want me to go away?" One blink. He's definitely never been one to hold back his opinion!

Later in the morning, he was in the middle of a breathing treatment. They're awful but necessary to bring up all the garbage in his lungs. During the treatment, the respiratory therapist (who was very good) kept saying repeatedly, "You're doing good, Sam." One time after saying that, she turned to me and said that she could have sworn he had rolled his eyes at her. I had to stifle a laugh, because I could almost see the thought bubble over Sam's head. "Doing good, like not doing evil? It's WELL, woman, WELL!" Our boy is coming back to us.

One other development of note today was that he had several successful trach collar trials free from the vent. The last one went 3 hours, and he did fine. The doctor whom Sam had summarily dismissed earlier told me they might do a sleep study to see his breathing patterns to determine what kind of support he might need at night. Today was the kind of day we have been waiting for, and we're hoping for many more like it to come. We know there will be hard work and potential setbacks ahead, but today was a very good day. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

I got a couple of pics from one of Sam & Sarah's fellow choir members. She pointed out that Sam apparently had the uncanny ability to photobomb her snapchat pictures. I also snuck a copy of one on the choir director's door. Since a little bit of his personality started to emerge today, I thought they were entirely appropriate. Have a great day!



  1. Very happy to hear these news! Keep taking care of you and Sam. Thinking about you guys .

  2. Praying for you Sam. Coach Deaton

  3. Keep going, Sam! Prayers up for you!

  4. Keep going, Sam! Prayers up for you!

  5. Such good news! thanks for sharing! we will keep Sam in our thoughts and prayers and hope for a fast recovery from now on!

  6. Wonderful news, so happy to hear!

  7. Such encouraging news!!! Still praying.

  8. This news makes me so happy!!!!!! Woo hoo! God is good :)

  9. This is wonderful news and progress and we wish continued improvement for Sam!

  10. Praising God for His healing!

  11. Best thing I've read all day. Our family continues to pray, and my friends ask about Sam every day. My girls and I used to read a picture book called You Can Do It, Sam, and they reminded me of that today when we were talking about Sam. So glad that he is "doing it." Sending you love. Karen Stanton

  12. Great news! Love seeing he is communicating some and responding more! This is all great stuff! Keep it up Sam! #teamsam

  13. Thanks for sharing and being the realist you are. Prayers for continued miracles still going up!

  14. What great news. Continued thoughts and prayers!

  15. Great news!!! Still praying for you!
