On December 12th, Sam was hit by a car while riding his bicycle and suffered a traumatic brain injury. This is his journey.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

6/5 - Sam's Journey - Day 176

The big news of the week? Sarah and I survived the school year. That is no small feat considering the year we have had. We are all excited to see summer vacation arrive. Even though we get a bit of a break, Sam will continue with rehab during the week all summer long. 

Sam's had a good week. He has pool therapy twice a week, and his food intake continues to improve. He and Jim even made a trip to a frozen yogurt place. Other than the annoying teenagers irritating them both, they had a good time. We're still working on getting his water intake up so that we can get that feeding tube out. It's kind of funny to watch him drink. It's kind of like the scene from Napoleon Dynamite when he drinks Gatorade.

There have been no major feeding tube issues since the last one came out (knock on wood) but it can be an annoyance. Lately it's been irritated and uppity, and the sooner we can get rid of that thing, the better. His walking is getting there, and we're hoping to see him using the wheelchair less in the near future. Things are good, and we keep rolling.

Sorry to be so short, but no news is good news. We just keep going and going and...

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We ask your continued prayers for Sam, and for those mentioned in previous posts. Thanks so much, #TeamSam!

1 comment:

  1. Work hard Sam. I am praying for you. Coach Deaton
