On December 12th, Sam was hit by a car while riding his bicycle and suffered a traumatic brain injury. This is his journey.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

6/28 - Sam's Journey - Day 199

Just a quick note that has not very much to do with Sam. We're enjoying our visits with everyone that's coming through, and I'll say more about them in future posts. Tonight, I wanted to share with you that I've been in touch with the mother of the boy who was hit by a car in early June. Knowing that you all are prayer warriors par excellence, I have included him in the last few blog entries without much detail. He is making incredible strides, and he has an incredibly supportive family moving through this with him. I got the link to the blog updating his progress, and I'm giving it to you to, so you can get to know Ben and his family. The link is:


And that's it for tonight! Thanks for being awesome, #TeamSam!

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